Andrea Ramirez
YCH Base Sets
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me directly at
What you will recieve
A high resolution PNG File
Ychs are on the same open/close schedule as regular commissions, unless stated otherwise
Multi-Slot YCH
10 USD +
Click the images to see all available sets and individual pricing
Edits and Complexity
+3 USD per edit / complexity
Such as but not limited to: adding hair, simple horns, complex designs, ect..
If your character does NOT have wolf anatomy and you would like the ych to fit your character, must tell me or else it will have the base wolf anatomy. Such as longer ears, ear fluff, longer or shorter snout. Anatomy changes to the base will have the standard edit fee
A DOUBLE CHARGE (6 USD) will incur if the edits or character design is complex